The original contents of DCR1078 are replaced in full by the following (in order to be in line with the modifications agreed per PSWG MOM#80 item 6 comments):
Changes as follows to implement a new screening test: Case Isolation, into Chart F3A (see attached ESCC 5000 Draft 7++ that implements these changes (as well as implement the other changes per approved DCRs 904, 944 & 1027)
1) Para. 6.2.1: Add "Case Isolation" to the list of tests.
i.e. change to read:
e.g. PIND, Case Isolation, Radiographic Inspection, Seal, External Visual Inspection and Solderability.
2) Para. 6.2.3: amend 2nd sub-para by adding "or after Check for Lot Failure" after .... Burn-in.
" … which exhibits a limit failure prior to the submission to High Temperature Reverse Bias Burn-in or after Check for Lot Failure shall be rejected and not counted when determining lot failure."
3) Para. Add new note after the 1st subpara:
"NOTE: Any components which fail during Case Isolation shall not be counted when determining lot failure."
4) Add new Para 8.13 for Case Isolation as follows (subsequent Paras 8.x to be renumbered accordingly):
Only applicable to components with case isolated packages where the active die connection terminals are electrically isolated from conductive surfaces of the case including the stud, base, sidewalls, and lid.
MIL-STD-750, Test Method 1081. The following details shall apply:
Test Conditions: as specified in the Detail Specification.
Data Points
During testing, there shall be no sign of breakdown or flash-over.
On completion of testing, the component shall be visually examined and there shall be no evidence of damage, arcing or breakdown. Measurements as specified in Room Temperature Electrical Measurements in the Detail Specification shall be performed.
5) Chart F3: add new test (in Chart F3A), Case Isolation (Para. 8.13), after Check for Lot Failure with new note 8 as
Note 8. Only required if specified in the Detail Specification. Any failures shall not be counted when determining lot failure.