The following modifications and additions to the original DCR1134 are included in this DCR; see replacement attachment ESCC 9000 Draft 10E for details (which highlights in yellow all changes from ESCC 9000 issue 9):

a) Editorial changes in the finalised specification for the purposes of clarification and consistency:

· Para. 2.1: addition of ESCC 2029000, 2269000

· Para. 4.1,, add "unless otherwise specified, …"

· New Para. 4.2.1: several minor editorial changes are included

· Para. 8.25: option for the 4000h life test also added to the duration bullet.

· New Chart F0: redrawn with some editorial changes and clarifications to the contents

b) As agreed with and required by PSWG#83:

· Para. 8.12.2 & Chart F4A: Addition of temperature cycling test in Chart F4A for wire-bonded integrated circuits

· Chart F4A: change to the required quantity of life test samples (in the endurance subgroup) for Single Phase Qualification of wire-bonded integrated circuits to be 45 for qualification testing (retaining 15 etc samples for Periodic Testing).


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