The Details for DCR1105 are replaced in full as follows and as attached, as agreed with the DCR originator: Manufacturer STM.

Add requirements in order to add a new Die package as new Variant 10. In addition several other editorial changes are implemented by this DCR. All changes are indicated in the DCR attachment: 9203023 Draft 5B for DCR1105.doc
i.e. All changes applicable to the addition of new Die package Variant 10 are highlighted yellow. Other minor editorial changes are highlighted blue.

Main changes applicable to the addition of Die package Variant 10 are as follows:
: Para. 1.4.2: add new Variant 10 for Die
: Para. 1.7.6: add Die (Variant 10) materials, dimensions, die mask, terminal identification, die orientation, bias and packaging information.
: Para. 1.8, 1.9: add Die Package references
: Para. 2.3.3: Notes 7 & 8: add test sampling applicable to Die (Variant 10)


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