The following additional changes shall apply for the purposes of completeness & clarification:

A) Table 1(a):

Amend the description for all existing “Screw Lock Assembly ….. (Female)” Variants 01, 06, 48, 53, 58 & 59 to include the thread reference “(4-40)”.


For Variant 01: “Screw Lock Assembly Brass (Female)(4-40)”; etc.

For new Variant 96 the Description in Table 1(a) shall be:

“Screw Lock Assembly Brass (Female)(Hybrid 4-40/M3)”

B) Figure 2(a):

Add new note 1 to the figure title for the existing female screw lock amended as follows (was “FEMALE”):

“Screw Lock Assembly (Female)(4-40)(Note 1)”

Title for new figure for new Variant 96 shall be:

“Screw Lock Assembly (Female)(HYBRID 4-40/M3)(Note 2)”

Add new Figure 2(a) notes 1 & 2 as follows (existing notes to be renumbered accordingly):

“1. Variants 01, 06, 48, 53, 58 & 59; to be used with A7N, B7N, C7N & D7N connectors.”

“2. Variant 96; to be used with A9N, B9N, C9N & D9N and L9 3401/001 connectors.”

Amend title for existing male screw lock figure as follows (was “MALE”):

“Screw Lock Assembly (male)”

C) Para. Add Variant 96 to the list (as applicable to magnetism level).


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