DCR text is replaced by the following modified details:

ESCC3201/009 shall also be included in this DCR in line with the confirmation provided by Microspire/D.Martin in his DCR review comment dated 26/11/2013 (as verified with Microspire/D.Martin in telecon, by S.Thacker 10/12/2013).

Add a Manufacturer Appendix for Microspire (F) as follows, in order to specify a deviation to increase the vibration level applied during Chart IV & Chart V testing of the Generic specification (to be MIL-STD-202, Method 205, Condition ‘G’ (30 g peak)(was ‘D’; 20g peak)):


Appendix A – Agreed Deviations for Microspire (F)

ITEMS AFFECTED: Deviations from Qualification Tests (Chart IV)

DESCRIPTION OF DEVIATIONS: Para. 9.15 Vibration, Test condition shall be G (30g peak)

ITEMS AFFECTED: Deviations from Lot Acceptance Tests (Chart V)

DESCRIPTION OF DEVIATIONS: Para. 9.15 Vibration, Test condition shall be G (30g peak)



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