This DCR has been extensively reviewed by the PSWG members ( : ESA, Thales Alenia Space, Astrium, Tesat-Spacecom) who have agreed changes to be incorporated as part of this DCR.

The following changes & additions to the original DCR text/items apply:

The draft specification that applies to this DCR that incorporates all final changes and replaces the original attachment, is ESCC5010 issue 2 draft J.

DCR Item 2) & 22):

Chart F4 (Qualification and Periodic Tests) is split into 2 separate charts:

• F4A for Packaged Components

• F4B for Naked Die Components. Chart F4B clarifies which tests apply specifically to Naked Die Components (i.e. only Endurance Subgroup plus new De-encapsulation Subgroup applies),

Lot Validation Testing (the Endurance subgroup of Chart F4B (with 1000h operating life test) on each wafer lot) is only mandatory for procurement of ESCC qualified Naked Die Components. LVT requirements for unqualified Naked Die Components are undefined (the same as for to Packaged Components); LVT only applies when deemed necessary by the customer and stipulated in the Purchase Order.

DCR item 22):

The lot identification information relevant to marking & data documentation is clarified to include wafer and wafer lot numbers.

DCR item 25):

This item is deleted from the DCR (SEE requirements are not to be included in this Generic spec as is consistent with other ESCC Generic specs; e.g. 9000)

New DCR item 33) (& item 31):

The Operating life test duration for Qualification Testing is amended to be 2000 hours (was 3000 hours [in Para. 9.20.1]; to be consistent with ESCC9010)

New DCR item 34):

PIND testing during Screening Tests [in Chart II(b)] shall be performed on Naked Die Components (i.e. on all Packaged Test Sublot samples) (to ensure no risk of PIND related problems occurring during Qualification testing, Periodic Testing & Lot Validation Testing). However the PIND lot failure criteria [in Para. 9.7] shall be limited to rejection of the Packaged Test Sublot (not to rejection of the complete wafer lot)

Similarly, Radiographic Inspection, Seal testing and External Visual Inspection during Screening Tests [in Charts III(a) & III(b)] shall be performed on Naked Die Components (i.e. on all the Packaged Test Sublot samples) (to ensure no risk of any related problems occurring during Qualification testing, Periodic Testing & LVT).

New DCR Item 35):

Internal Visual Inspection plus Bond Pull & Die Shear testing during Qualification testing [in Chart IV] is also made applicable to Periodic Testing (MoQ) in charts F4A & F4B for all components, with a period of 24 months (to assess any impact at die level of the various Chart F3 & F4 testing)

The samples to be tested (in the new De-encapsulation subgroup) shall be selected as follows:

• For Packaged Components: 6 samples (2 direct from Screening Tests; 2 from successful Chart F4A Environmental & Mechanical Subgroup testing; 2 from successful Chart F4A Endurance Subgroup testing)

• For Naked Die Components: 4 samples (2 direct from Screening Tests; 2 from successful Chart F4B Endurance Subgroup testing)


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