We propose to modify Para. 9.15 as indicated below in red. An example to explain our point of view: In case user order for example only male connectors, then it makes no sense to test in the frame of the LAT2 as well the female connectors and thus reduce the test data for the male connectors. In such a case it is more useful for the user to have LAT2 data on 6 male connectors instead of data on 3 male and 3 female connectors. We consider combining useful if both, male and female connectors, are procured/qualified. Therefore, propose to modify Para. 9.15 as shown below in red.
“The connector shall be assembled and crimped or soldered to the cable as specified in the Detail Specification, using the Manufacturer's approved crimping tools and cabling procedure. There shall be 6 cables assembled. In case male and female connectors are required for LAT/Qualification testing, there shall be 3 cable assemblies with male connectors at each end and 3 cable assemblies with female connectors at each end. These 6 cable assemblies shall have identical lengths.